my articles
Spouting off about writing a book is kinda sexy. Who doesn’t want to be A Writer? Perhaps in a tweed blazer with patches. It’s damn glamorous.
Much like someone who has had a few drinks and is deciding whether or not they can safely drive, you are unable to tell from inside the lovely flirty cloud if it’s inappropriate or not. We can count on people contemplating an affair to be short a few dozen IQ points.
Grief. It’s there when someone dies, and that’s perhaps the first type we think of when we think of it. Funerals, flowers, casseroles and deep sorrow. But there are many other kinds. With every beginning and ending, there is grief. It’s not necessarily the crippling sort, but events that, over time, take a toll if we don’t stop and be with them to see what they have to offer us.
I descended into and ascended out of The Grand Canyon earlier this month, and because I am addicted to self-actualizing, I obviously learned things while doing it. You’re welcome.
A couple I have been working with prompted this compilation of thoughts on the evolution of marriage and staying through the hard stuff.